Narrative Magic Press publishes books by authors in multiple genres. The press offers e-publishing across a wide variety of platforms, including such outlets as Amazon, ibooks, Kindle, Barnes and Noble and other sellers. Authors include Dale Marie Taylor, Heber Taylor, and Ela Bell.



ARchi by Ela Bell, released June 2018

ARchi by Ela Bell

Archi is on the trail of an abductor of women. The sinister activity leads Archi and his brothers on a dangerous chase. But he and his brothers have some special talents. Their security business leads them to Rahnita, who finds Archi compelling. She has talents of her own. The team faces challenges as Archi and Rahnita are drawn to one another.

Heat, by Ela Bell

VAl and Brice find their way to one another in this romance of first love.

Sadie and Spenser create hot memories.

Desire at Sea by Ela Bell

Kara desperately wants love in her life, but she has dark secrets that prevent her from reaching her goal.  Alex is a sea captain about to change his life. When she stows away on his ship, she's in for a wild ride. Will they be able to overcome their challenges? 

Under the fiction category, Narrative Magic Press publishes romance, thrillers, mystery, westerns and a number of other genres in the field.

Engaging Passion

In print and as Ebooks

Beth thinks she is too old for her sexy colleague, Ramon, and she has told him so. Ramon is determined to have her. However, someone is trying to kill her, and she needs his help. Follow their exciting story as their growing love is challenged.




Historical Fiction by Heber Taylor



Heber Taylor

The Old Farm by Heber Taylor

The Old Farm by Heber Taylor

Latest release: King Fisher: The Deadliest Man in Texas, the story of an 1870s gunslinger who defended his cattle ranch and that of his neighbors. A page turner with good historical details. 

Also by Heber Taylor

The Old Farm: A Tale of East Texas, the fictional story of 1930s era characters who survived the depression and did so with dignity and grace. 


Historical Fiction by Dale M Taylor

Carrie’s Song placed as a finalist in African American Fiction in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Flight of the Heart Series by Dale Marie Taylor. Available at Digital retailers as In Online and Print versions. See www.https// for more information. Amazon, Ibooks, Kobie, Barnes and Noble and other retailers carry the book.



We offer limited editing services and shepherd your manuscript through the e-publishing process. Consultations are part of Narrativemagic's services.



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Mental Health Wellness and Writing

Crafting a Personalized Self-Care Plan for Introverts

In the world of words and narratives, introverted writers often find their strength and inspiration in the quiet moments of reflection. As writers, it's essential to recognize the significance of self-care tailored to our introverted nature. This guide is crafted specifically for wordsmiths, offering tips to create a personalized self-care strategy that aligns harmoniously with our unique needs and creative inclinations.

Visit Narrative Magic Press for unique novels from authors in a variety of genres.

Embrace the Sanctuary of Solitude

For writers who thrive on introspection, embracing solitude becomes a cornerstone of self-care. Regularly setting aside time to be alone provides an opportunity to recharge our imaginative energies. Solitude is not isolation but a deliberate choice to step away from external distractions and delve into the wellspring of our thoughts. These moments of seclusion nourish our mental well-being, fostering creativity, and granting a tranquil space for our inner worlds to unfold.

Set the Boundaries of Creative Space

The artistic nature of writing often leads us to immerse deeply in our work, potentially resulting in overexertion. To counteract this, establishing clear boundaries is paramount. Communicate these boundaries to those around you, be it family, friends, or other commitments. By safeguarding our creative space and personal time, we protect the essence of our inspiration and pave the way for more profound introspection and writing.

Engage in Mindfulness Practices

Incorporating mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises into our routines offers introverted writers a haven of serenity. These practices invite us to detach from the cacophony of the external world and ground ourselves in the present moment. They act as a balm for the often-sensitive writer's soul, diminishing stress and nurturing a sense of calm amid the creative chaos. Through mindfulness and controlled breathing, we refine our ability to manage anxiety and maintain equilibrium in the face of literary challenges.

Create a Home Sanctuary

Creating a recharging haven within your writing space is an essential facet of introvert self-care. This cozy alcove serves as a retreat from the demands of the outside world, a space where you can immerse yourself in your craft or simply find solace. Whether it's a well-loved writing desk, a window-side perch, or a corner laden with inspiring books, this sanctuary envelops you in an ambiance conducive to reflection and creativity.

Fuel Creativity with a Healthy Lifestyle

Nurturing your physical well-being is vital to sustaining your creative energy. Prioritize a balanced diet and adequate hydration as an integral part of your self-care regimen. Wholesome foods and hydration contribute to overall well-being, enhancing cognitive function and the clarity required for your writing pursuits. Approach your diet thoughtfully and integrate mindful eating practices into your routine, ensuring your body harmonizes with your creative mind.

Practice Self-Compassion

The introspective nature of introverted writers can sometimes lead to self-critique. Practicing self-compassion is a transformative tool in this journey. Embrace your unique creative voice and extend the kindness you would offer a fellow writer. Self-compassion fosters self-esteem and self-worth, reshaping your writing practice into a journey of self-expression and self-appreciation.

Embrace Mental Health Through Gardening

Gardening, both literal and metaphorical, can be an enriching practice for introverted writers. Tending to your creative garden and connecting with the natural world offer therapeutic benefits. Just as you nurture the growth of your stories, tending to plants can ground your mind and provide a source of inspiration. Explore the world of plants at Home Garden Hero.

Find Ways to Move

Engaging in physical activity is a complementary aspect of an introverted writer's self-care. Incorporating movement into your routine enhances your overall well-being and creative prowess. Whether it's a solitary walk through nature, a contemplative yoga session, or dancing to the rhythm of your thoughts, physical activity can ignite fresh perspectives and amplify your connection to your writing.


For introverted writers, crafting a personalized self-care strategy is akin to weaving a tapestry of words, emotions, and introspection. The journey of self-discovery and well-being is as unique as the stories we tell. By embracing solitude, defining boundaries, practicing mindfulness, cultivating a creative haven, prioritizing health, nurturing self-compassion, exploring gardening, and incorporating movement, writers can create a harmonious blend of self-care and creativity. Remember, self-care isn't a distraction from your craft but a catalyst for its flourishing. As you embark on this journey, embrace the profound connection between your inner world and the narratives you weave.

By Dorothy Watson

For more information, see:

All Narrativemagic Press books are available as ebooks and in print at Amazon and other outlets such as Apple ibooks, Kindle, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Google, Play Books, Bookbub, Hoopla, Overdrive, Vivlio and other online book retailers.

To request a copy of a signed paperback book directly from author, D. Marie Taylor or Ela Bell, write to her at Advance payment and postage is required. No refunds are permitted for signed books.

Writers within the fiction genre include:

Romantic Suspense and Romance

Ela Bell — Titles: Archi: Mysterious Embrace, Heat, Hot, Desire at Sea, Engaging Passion and Combo of the four novellas — Passions Unveiled.

Archi at Draft2Digital (This platform provides link to several ebook retailers.)

Historical Fiction

Dale Marie Taylor —- Titles: Carrie’s Song, (Flight of the Heart Series), A Home for Easter, Hester’s Journey (Apple Hill Series) See

Heber Taylor —- Titles: King Fisher and The Old Farm.

Available at Draft2Digital and its participating platforms, Amazon’s Kindle, ibooks, Barnes & Noble, and other ebook outlets.


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  • Manuscripts are accepted January through May.

  • Please email manuscripts as Microsoft Word document in 12 pt type, Helvetica, Arial or similar font.

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Narrative Magic is a Limited Liability Company which publishes fiction and non-fiction as print and ebooks. All characters appearing in works published by Narrativemagic Press are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The company also offers consultation and editing services. For advertising information, use the contact link or email at